Wednesday, August 30, 2017

"Jaws" Inflatable Shark

I wonder how many of us actually had official Jaws merchandise and how many just had sharks. I doubt any of us cared.


  1. Hauntedheadful8/30/2017 6:54 AM

    Not long after seeing Jaws n a theatre,my mom & dad brought this exact shark home and it floated in our pool for 2 Summers until Hurricane Belle blew it away.It was obviously generic,but that summer, it was JAWS and it took a bite out of us all!

  2. Hauntedheadful@comcast.net8/30/2017 6:58 AM

    Inflatable Flying Saucer?Did they forsee the future success of Star Wars and Close Encounters?These guys were toy gurus!

  3. Seventiesfan9/01/2017 9:52 PM

    The only "official" Jaws items I have are 2 movie programs for Jaws 2 and the DVD. If I had known about that inflatable shark back then, it would have been hanging from my living room ceiling that same day.


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