Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Luxurious Velour Jumpsuits

Nothing rekindles the fire of a marriage like matching velour.....


  1. For when Dr. Venture attends formal affairs..

  2. Blue and brown...for all those suave, medieval monks out there. :D

  3. Marriage?!? I don't see any marriage rings, do you? Not on either hand (some Slavic religious groups wear them on the right hand). Now the only guy I knew who is married and never wears his ring is Dennis Donahue over at A-1 Plumbing and Drain Cleaning. I'm fairly certain Mrs. Donahue wears one, though. So what's the deal here? This is a publicity shot for Mr. 'n Mrs. Plumbing Team in their matching burgandy jumpsuits?

    I asked Pastor Poteet fer his 'pinion an' thinks these are a couple ah' Seventies hippies who're livin' in sin.


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