Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Bionic Classroom

I was slightly deceived by the title "Bionic Classroom" as a kid, I assumed it would be a playset where Steve and Jaime did cool Bionic things.

Nope, it's just Jaime's work, a school that seems to be located at the airport and judging by the chalkboard, she's blown her cover.....


  1. Classes must get interrupted here all the time anyways as it appears the school is right beside an airstrip!

  2. Seventiesfan8/16/2016 10:07 PM

    If anyone makes any comments about the chalkboard, Jaime can always rip another phone book in half in front of the class.

  3. "I assumed it would be a playset where Steve and Jaime did cool Bionic things."

    That would be Kenner's "Bionic Bedroom".

  4. "We can make kids slower, dumber..."


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