Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Time 2000 : Bedspread of the Future

As Star Trek Rip Offs go, this one is a doozy. I'd like to have those curtains (and carpet) for PlaidStallions HQ.....


  1. It doesn't get much better than that, If I had that set, they'd be in my guest bedroom in a heartbeat.

  2. Seventiesfan2/12/2016 7:51 PM

    I love blatant rip-offs. I have the Star World action figure case, and it tops the list of blatant rip-offs. My 15-year-old niece has my sense of humor and asked "Why is Darth Vader wearing a miniskirt?" It's a great storage case and displays very well with all my Star Wars, Star Trek, and Mego items- and Superman curtains.

  3. Well the "Geeks" and "Nerds" did win, so they did predict the future correctly.


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