Thursday, July 16, 2015

Junior Missanizer

Lenny was heir to the third largest knitting supply company in the state, the world was his oyster..


  1. sorry to off topic here guys but the 70s strike back with the return of ROM and The Micronauts to comics in 2016 thanks to IDW Publishing.

  2. Some pictures of me as a kid are surprisingly similar to this. ... Oh, the shame!
    I'd really love some new Micronauts action figures, though i never cared much about the comics.
    And what happened to the new Power Lords, anyway?

  3. Striped Squirrel9/24/2015 12:32 PM

    In the 1870s, they sent kids up chimneys to clean them. In the 1970s, they put them to work as used car salesmen.


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