Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Krofft Supershow Iron On Transfer Book

This past Sunday the first thing I saw when I entered GTA Comic Con was my pal Dana wearing a Magic Mongo T Shirt, which is a sentence I never thought I'd ever type in my life. 

Turns out Dana had found this amazing book of Krofft T Shirt transfers that I never knew existed but now, cannot live without. Thankfully, he shared his careful scans with us (give him a follow on twitter folks!)

Nice scans after the jump:

I'm not going to lie, I'm going to put every single one of these on a shirt and wear them in public. 

Wonderful Wonder Bug!

I plan to wear this Bigfoot and Wildboy design when I walk my daughter down the aisle.

I'm incredibly smitten with this one too.

This is probably the only Michael Lembeck centric T Shirt in the universe....

I honestly cannot believe this exists!


  1. Thank you for the new profile pics!! Love it!!

  2. Amazing Gordo4/19/2015 7:04 PM

    That's totally awesome! I dearly love this show, and I hope to see it on DVD very soon!


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