Friday, October 10, 2014

Pod Stallions 22: Store Bought Costumes

As the title suggests, episode 22 delves into the wonderful world of Halloween costumes but none of that "Home made with your mom's love" kinda junk, this talks about the good old "smock and mask" stuff you got at places like Woolco or Kresge's.

In what is probably our most visual episode, Jason and Brian go through the many catalogs on Plaidstallions from companies such as Collegeville, Ben Cooper and Kusan.

From deep discussions about Grizzly Adams, The Village People, Hee-Haw, Tattoo from Fantasy Island and of course, Flash Gordon. This one doesn't leave many 70s stones unturned. 
Look for cameos by your favourite Star Wars characters Yada, Darth Vadar and Baba Fett.

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  1. How about an Episode on Halloween Specials?

  2. So, you want a Halloween special Halloween special?

  3. I think he means special halloween themed television shows like 'The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown.' 70's horror films would be another option.

  4. Great episode guys. I can't get enough of the boxed costumes. I really do think a definitive photo book needs to be created showcasing these beauties.

    You might like this Collegeville visible man costume. The translucent mask is so fantastic. I love how it's arms aren't actually printed on the costume arms. Nonetheless it's gorgeous.

  5. Amazing Episode - heard it twice its so full of info.

  6. Amazing Episode - heard it twice its so full of info.


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