Friday, October 04, 2013

1980 Franco Mask Catalog

Franco was a novelty distribution company known for adult gags, practical jokes and magic tricks (you can see their 1975 magic trick catalog on this very site). Their line of masks for 1980, though not licensed with seem familiar with anyone who thumbed through the pages of horror magazines during the time or perhaps made their own short films (pretty sure my friends used more than one of these).

The 1980 Franco Mask Catalog will bring you back to a time when your local Kresge store smelled like cheap latex. What a good smell that was.

More Masks:


  1. Santa kind of looks out of place--then again, that is a creepy looking Santa!

  2. My friend had a lot of masks and he would let me borrow one every Halloween that we knew each other, it was the best time. The Scream one here is my favorite, but I do agree that Santa is a little weird.
    Visiting as part of the "Countdown to Halloween"

    Jeremy H.

    New Look, New Name and Same Stuff...

    Also, thought I would share this with you... this is the label I work for and we want to get a good turn out this year.. Maybe you like and then share?

    13 Days of Chills [2013] Win Prizes and More!
    Brought to you by "Howlin' Wolf Records", go ahead you should check it out! Remember this runs all month long and it's all about the score music from some of your favorite films and the mention of prizes doesn't hurt either.

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  3. The Santa one is weird in the clowns-are-scary way. The bug-eyed one is freaky, too.

  4. Considering the sad state of horror films these days, Hollywood could only improve their releases if they borrowed a few of these old-timers before starting their next "big budget" epic.

    ...and before anyone snorts too loudly at that idea, the legendary film boogey-man in Caffeinated Joe's avatar was created with a two dollar Captain Kirk mask from Don Post.

  5. I owned the female hood-fang-face mask as a kid. I don't remember the mouth looking that cool but I do remember the faux-fur hood being really hot!


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