Saturday, August 24, 2013

Dark Lord of the 8 Track

Part two of the stereo store visit pictures from Francis shows him getting into a sticky situation with customer service. This is a pretty brilliant Darth Vader and Chewbacca appearance, there was much more home made versions running around....

I thought you might enjoy these pics from 1978. Back story: It was announced (I think in a newspaper ad) that Darth Vader and Chewbacca were both making an appearance at a local stereo/audio shop in Sacramento, California. My friend and I took the bus to the store and encountered the faux-Star Wars characters. I believe we were the only ones there to see Vader and Chewie. It looks like I enjoyed it nonetheless. 

Thanks again to Francis for these awesome snaps!

plaid Stallions mall appearance gallery
Buy a Brick doll


  1. "You came down here just to see us??? I find your lack of purchases... disturbing."

  2. Oh for the days when a complete stranger could lay hands upon you, much less faux strangle you. I'm surprised they still allow kids to sit on Santa's lap!


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