Friday, July 06, 2012

Synergistics Superheroes

I vaguely remember these target sets from toy shows, the art is classic DC style guide with the exception of that very disgruntled Wonder Woman. However, the sets below are not only a total shock but I now have a new quest in life...

I absolutely LOVE the mingling of Spider-Man with the characters from the Electric Company on merchandise. The teaming up of Spidey with Fargo North doesn't happen often enough for me. They should do a big treasury edition together, it'll sell dozens!

If you have these in your collection, let me know they exist, please?


  1. Oh wow Brian! You've done it again.... Found a toy I had as a child and completely forgot about. I had the one with all three superheroes on it. Played with it quite a lot actually! Is that why I love darts today?? Alas, I have it no more. But thanks for opening the memory vault again!

  2. mandy_Reeves7/08/2012 11:09 PM

    totally had these as a kid! we had spider man ones...or a cousin did. They were really super fun too!

  3. Just found a sealed Batman one at a thrift store! They do exist.

  4. I had one but can´t remember which one was...



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