Friday, January 13, 2012

Bionic Bubble Bath

From the "Stuff I hadn't seen before but now can't live without" department comes this Six Million Dollar man bubble bath container from the UK. I guess in the 60s they called these "soakies", I just call this thing awesome. Many thanks to Ebay Seller RetroToyBoy for the photo submission.

More after the (Slow Motion) jump

How crazy cool is this thing?

A good close up of Steve's killer head sculpt, it's crude but you can totally see Lee Majors in there. Arrrgggh I want this!

I imagine Ebay searches for "Noveltime" will increase this year...

More Bionic Goodness

i buy lincoln monsters

Always Buying Lincoln International and Tomland Monster dolls


  1. Amazing collectible, for sure!

  2. SUHWEET! They had so many cool items like this in the 70's. I had countless Snoopy's etc. myself. A sneaky way to get active little kids to bathe!!


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