Thursday, October 20, 2011

Revenge of the Azrak Monsters

AHI Frankenstein

It's not October if we don't discuss the AHI Monster dolls and we've got a couple of additions to the galleries starting with this killer variant of Frankenstein (courtesy of my pal the Kidd). I've never seen eyes like this one.

AHI Dracula
Count Dracula alone was marketed in the UK in a window box, the rest of the Monsters showed up carded. I'll probably never know exactly why. This piece is available for trade for certain items on my wantlist, if you'd like to know more please contact me
AHI Dracula
The back of the box shows that original AHI card art was used in it's construction but there is no manufacturer name. My best guess is these were created to sell some end run overstock of Dracula figures. Only a couple of these have ever surfaced.

1 comment:

  1. Dancin' Homer10/20/2011 6:40 AM

    Frankie went a little heavy on the eye shadow


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