Friday, October 21, 2011

Introducing Man Mates Fashion Outfits for Brick!

Every once in a while, somebody totally "gets you" and
this is one of these occasions. My pal Steve has whipped up a series of fashions for the Brick Mantooth doll. Named "Man Mates" (after the classic JC Penney series of leisure suits) each represents a different, authentic 70s outfit. Honestly, he not only gets the concept, I'm a little worried about him.

Above is "Purple Heyyys", the first of many, finely crafters,  limited edition Brick Mantooth outfits to come out and there's more.
The very talented Scott C Adams whipped up this fantastic packaging art for the series.
Purple Heyyys is available for sale right now here but it's almost sold out, once it's gone, it's gone. 

Look for more "Mantooth Variants" in the coming months, including a few I've cooked up on my own.


  1. Wow, so cool.
    Are there any plans for the bathrobe?

  2. A robe and briefs with tiger stripes? How could there not be plans?!? If things stay groovy, that ensemble will be known as 'After Hours'

  3. Is that Guy Karate making a cameo in the cardback art? :)

  4. That's IT! Next big thing for the collection (after the Vantooth) is a Guy Karate fig.

    (it will be mine...oh yes, it WILL be mine)


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