Monday, October 10, 2011

Everbody Shout!

My pal Dan at the awesome website The Terror Trap (this is a timely month for a plug) sent over shots of his vintage Groovie Goolies PVC collection. As a lover of mock horror, these are just awesome to me. Not many Filmation shows got merchandising so it's really nice to see how perfect these guys look. I pop in the Ghoulies DVDs for my kids quite a bit these days.

And if that wasn't enough, David was nice enough to send me shots of how one of these looked on the card. That's forty nine cents well spent.


  1. I LOVED the Groovy Ghoulies!

  2. Wow, never knew those existed or I'd have had them as a kid. I did snag the series on dvd from a local Half Price Books earlier this year though.

  3. Gotta love the Goolies!

  4. Wow. I love that show & have never seen these!

  5. I have 5 of the set. four from elementary school and 1 from ebay, may they are getting expensive lately


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