Thursday, September 15, 2011

I just love my job!

Frank's over enthusiasm for the arrival of the Monday morning train eventually grated on his fellow commuters. He was beaten with brief cases one particularly gloomy February morning...


  1. The guy on the left looks like the Trololo guy. He's high on life and a little light in the loafers.

    Guy on the right looks he's ready to clock the other guy cold dead. Friggin' looks like a professional assassin!

  2. It does sort of look like they just finished hiding a body.

  3. Mr. Albert Wint and Mr. Charles Kidd -- The Wonder Years.

    (blame the above posts for making me think that)

  4. Two KGB agents just before being eliminated by 007.

  5. Demitri truly loved his work and couldn't help injecting a bit of jolly triviality into his assassinations


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