Friday, March 04, 2011


Another fun look at Hasbro's fun offering into the pre school market, their tough to dislike Weebles line.

Hasbro didn't seem to run out of fun environments for these little legless, armless but happy blobs of plastic and 1979 saw all sorts of wonder from treehouses to submarines to the undead driving around in Vans, glorious.

More Weebles and L'il Peeps


  1. Dancin' Homer3/04/2011 7:26 AM

    those Flintstone and Disney Weebles are freakish. Flintstones look like they got the Eddie Murphy/Nutty Professor treatment, and Disneys look like shrunken heads!

  2. "Weebles wobble but they won't fall down." This brings back memories!


  3. Yeah, I got that song in my head too, when I saw this. I never had these, however.

  4. Alphacentaurian3/04/2011 11:58 PM

    Another MST3K reference explained! Thank you!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. As much as the Weebles' spots were a part of my existence growing up, I don't quite remembering getting the point of these toys. Maybe I was just too much of a Mego-nut (LOL!)

  7. Anyone else remember the Weebles appearing on an episode of the UK series "Are You Being Served?" They were called "Wibbly Wobblies" on the show, and some of the playset were depicted -- most memorably the playground.

  8. OMG!! I had the Weeble Sub!!! It was made of awesome. Thanks for all of the great memories of my early childhood that are flooding back with this website.


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