Thursday, March 10, 2011

It's a Plaid, Plaid, World

It sure is baby, thanks for the title!


  1. It looks like Callahan's Fembot went into fashion when the Bionic Man got cancelled.

  2. I want the Plaid Faery Lady.

    And I wand her BAAAD.

    (bathe her, and then...bring her to me)

  3. Great Scott! I can't decide which is worse, the bellbottoms/turtleneck ensemble or the terrifying dress with maroon knee socks. No, I take it back. Grown women have no business in knee socks, regardless of what other sartorial crimes are happening elsewhere on their persons.

    Seriously, though did they ever sell any of these? To whom? Concussion victims? Blind people?

  4. One Velma Dinkley of Crystal Cove remains a huge fan of turtlenecks, pleated skirts and matching kneesocks :)


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