Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Mystery Club

This is how I picture a Filmation Nancy Drew TV Series would have looked like except one of these kids would have a comically oversized pair of glasses.


  1. Alphacentaurian7/21/2010 12:52 AM

    And I, for one, am both surprised that such a series did not exist and saddened that it does not exist.

    Seriously, this needs to happen!

  2. On sweater #8...what kind of bird is that? A hybred between a robin and a rooster??

  3. That's some pretty happenin' stuff!

  4. The top row of girls makes this look like iCarly: 70s Version.

  5. I am sure every pre teen of the day coveted a sweater with a freakish red bird on it....not to mention the muticolored floral design.

  6. The glasses would go on the girl on the upper right, because of course it is a 70s* TV law of nature that the brunette is always the nerdy or brainy one.

    *OK, not just the 70s.


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