Sunday, June 20, 2010

Toys I saw at MegoMeet

This past weekend's Mego Meet convention was another wallet draining explosion of 70s toy goodness combined with a comraderie (translation: I got drunk). While devoted solely to toys made by Mego corporation, there were a lot of other gems there that were interesting, dare i say weird, so I decided to share.

The Korg thermos, every child's dream. I can no longer look at Korg merchandise without thinking of Evil Meatball VS Cat.

Assorted dresses for Action Jose, the Kung Fu man. you can't really make stuff like this up.

Wonderful old school Monster Puzzles..

When M*A*S*H was whacky, this doll has "golf club lifting action", why? It's also priced at $2.33 and may be the only thing ever that has been.

My friend Charlie picked up this vintage roll of Spiderman and Hulk Toilet Paper because nothing says "I'm a fan" quite like cleaning your sphincter with your heroes.

It's just page after page of the Hulk saying "Agh! What Hulk ever do to you?"

The King of the Terrons didn't go home with me this year but it was awfully tempting.

Everyone remembers Tim Conway's "Dorf on Safari" right?

The guys at Cast A Way toys gifted me with this flocked beauty, their rendition of Brick Mantooth.

And I was also given this custom Animal Man doll from Scott AKA Random Axe on the museum boards, who knew it was my favourite character. There is no way in hell I'd ever able to make something this professional looking in a million years, I was very humbled by this generous act to say the least.


  1. O M GGGGGGGGGG!!! You are a riot. I have no idea how I stumbled upon this bloggy but I will be back and will be sure to link you on my blog soon...LOVE this poly disaster.

  2. Alphacentaurian6/20/2010 1:10 AM

    Holy smokes. That Animal Man fig is sweet! I would love a Booster Gold/Blue Beetle combo by the same sculptor... if I could afford it :)

    That Brick Mantooth can double as an Action Tom Jones fig!

  3. Is that roll of TP real or a custom? I mean, it....can't be real, can it?

    That Animal Man is sweeeeet...

  4. Guys, I had the TP. It is definitely real. I have no idea where I got it (I was living on a US base in Germany, so must have been the BX unless my bio. father sent it to me), least of all WHY I had it. But I have remembered it once every few years since the early 80s and never found it in google searches. I actually meant to search for it the other day but forgot. I just happened upon it here now!

    I'm pretty sure I remember being confused that two good-guy superheroes were fighting each other.

    I was 6.



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