Thursday, May 20, 2010

Tarzan by Corgi

As readers of this blog might know, I have a real affection for 70s Tarzan merchandise, mostly because of the wonderful Filmation series that ran on CBS (which sadly, is not available on DVD). One of the best items out of that era has to be this wicked Corgi set which of course features jungle vehicles, animals, the Zan himself and a jungle backdrop. I wish I had an endless income and storage space sometimes....


  1. ooh, what a cool piece!

  2. Damn Corgi merchandise... you make me want you so!

  3. There are bootlegs available of the entire series online if you just want to see them. A simple web search brought it up rather quickly.

    While bootleg DVDs are normally something I don't pursue, if it's a show/film that is otherwise not available then it's fair game IMHO.

  4. Had this one Xmas, came with two tarzans! One standing and a hanging Tarzan who went on a zipline from the platform in the picture. Wish I still had this!


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