Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Greatest Star Wars Picture Ever

So let me paint this picture, these kids were winners of the Palitoy "Draw a Droid" competition (which I imagine was exactly what it sounds like) in 1979, the grand prize was a tour of the set for "Empire Strikes Back" where they had Gary Kurtz give them a tour and meet up with Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Peter Mayhew etc
At the end of the tour, Mark Hamill handed them a boatload of Star Wars toys and action figures. Gah! I think I can see the ULTRA cool Palitoy DeathStar in there as well.

I cannot imagine a better day for a kid, it would take a year of bully beatings and "Mom's new boyfriends" to wipe that smile off my face. Heck, as a kid I was overjoyed simply because I shared a birthday with Luke Skywalker, it goes without saying that I totally hate these kids....


  1. So, where are they today, and are they still feeling it? It would have made them gods of the playground! As it was, we were all trying to top each other on how many times we'd seen it (I claimed eleven, but I think it was four)

  2. Absolutely. Sounds like a lot of fun!

  3. What a bunch of lucky little boys who have a great story to tell their children and grandchildren.

  4. Sadly, their lives were never better than in that moment. :)

  5. Actually, they were all already dead and that was heaven. Lucky little punks....

  6. These guys told this story every day of their lives until Phantom Menace came out, and then everyone stopped being impressed.

  7. I still hate them!
    How awesome would that have been for a young lad at that time?


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