Monday, March 15, 2010

Join the CB Convoy

Thanks to my sister, my family got all into the "CB Craze" of the mid seventies, my first conversation with a "real live trucker" was him telling me to get the hell off that channel.

That must have been really annoying, you have this great semi private form of communication and then all of a sudden every dork and his unsupervised spawn are on there as well. I went by the handle of "Red Godzilla" by the way...


  1. I can't for the life of me remember what my handle was, but my best friend's was "Weebles". Ahh, the good ole days.

  2. LoLz...still goes on today. Kids that get on the trucker channels somehow are quick to be blasted off by truckers. Happened to my nephew a while back and boy were his feelings hurt.

  3. I have no idea what my handle was. I just remember having a cassette with trucking songs on it. "Convoy!" and "I'm a truck" were big faves.

    I really wanted to be a trucker. Now that I know how hard a job it is, I'm glad I didn't.

  4. I recall my grandfather making a HEATHKIT CB he had in his car....His name was Charles and his handle was " Sorry Charlie" from "Charlie The Tuna" ....those Starkist ads were big then

  5. I hope you were not forever scarred, Red Godzilla! LOL

  6. Cap'n Kacey ('cause my initials are KC, see, and, er...)

  7. Ahhh C.B radio. Was the catalyst for my parent's divorce. Was truly the internet of it's day.


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