Friday, March 26, 2010

1977 Ideal J.J. Armes Catalog

The story of J.J. Armes is so fantastic that it sounds like it came out of a toy maker's brain storming session.

After losing his hands in a childhood accident, Jay Armes worked hard and trained himself to use his steel prosthesis in any fashion that a hand could function, he also trained his mind and body and became an internationally known private eye complete with gadgets and a pet tiger!

It's no wonder that Ideal toys released their line of J.J Armes inspired toys a year after he released his autobiography. While the toys didn't last a long time, they certainly one of the more memorable action figure lines of the 1970s:

Visit the 1977 J.J. Armes Catalog Here

More 70s men of action:

Big Jim All Star Catalog1978 Bionic Man catalog


  1. Is steel magnetic, cause I'm thinking you could seriously incapacitate this dude by handing him a large magnet...

  2. it's amazing that he's a real guy. If he existed now, they'd probably build a reality show around him.

    @Autumnforest = I think a magnet big enough to matter would be hard to carry around.

    Unless you lured him to a junkyard and got him under one of those electromagnetic cranes!

  3. Good Grief! Another one that I'd forgotten about!


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