Wednesday, February 10, 2010

PlaidStallions First Sponsor : Odeon Toys

I'm very pleased/totally surprised to have my first corporate sponsor here at PlaidStallions, the good people at Odeon Toys. It's an odd story how this came to be and goes to show you how fate works in funny ways.

A couple of months back I won this catalog on Ebay, I'd never heard of Odeon before but the description listed a lot of great mid 1970s licenses like Planet of the Apes so I went ahead and won it.

Immediately after I receieved an email from a man named Victor Machismo Jr, who claimed to not only to be the son of the President of Odeon but the current president of the reformed Odeon toy company that would be putting out product in 2010!

So I urge you all to welcome our awesome new sponsor and visit their new website, where you can read about the rise and fall and eventual rise of this amazing company, see all the amazing products they had in their 1975 catalog and check back this Friday to see their 2010 product offerings.

You can follow the link here:



  1. That's some pretty funny stuff there! Almost had me going for a little bit... but just a little bit!

  2. I'm laughing way too much. The Barnaby Jones doll is my favorite.

    Hmm. A Kolchak the Night Stalker action figure would have ruled, though...

    and a there should be a toy company with that motto.

  3. I need me some of that Odeon! LOL

  4. Dood, classic name! "Vic Machismo" oh man. Congrats!

  5. That is too funny! Great job!


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