Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Morrocco Look

I honestly don't remember anyone ever wearing stuff like this, it should have come with a warning that wearing it will give you an instant urge to kill Indiana Jones...


  1. Not sure why, but I feel like I would have seen Cloris Leachman wear one of these om 'Mary Tyler Moore.' Or was it Julie Kavner sportin' it on 'Rhoda?'

  2. I think it's a form of birth control. Yechh!

  3. ok, I'm only slightly embarassed to tell you that I bought something like that one on the right just LAST WEEK at JC Penney..should I be flogged at sundown??

  4. Oh Linka... How could you! LOL

  5. Buttons are OUT; ZIPPERS are IN!!

  6. @Linda- I was thinking the same thing..actually I have a couple of very cute sundresses that look very similar! And I never get complaints ;)

  7. OMG this definitely something Rhoda would wear or Maude


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