Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Stretch Serpent

Stretch Serpent, yet another creature to combat Stretch Armstrong with (Geez Kenner, couldn't you have made him a girlfriend or something?) is way too obviously inspired by the Land of the Lost Sleestaks. That's probably the reason I want one so bad, sadly these things are tough as nails to find and usually go for "Houseboat" money.


  1. wow. I don't remember a Stretch Sleestak before!

  2. I don't think a stretch girlfriend would have been safe for the kiddies.

  3. Exactly how fun is "eerie fun"?

  4. Stretch serpent? I really don't remember those. I had an Armstrong and remember the monster. But serpent?

  5. Holy crap, this is a really great post! We've been searching for a great pic of the serpent, and this is an amazing catalogue shot.

    Super Great Blog! Excited to be following!

    The Eye

  6. it was my favorite toy of all.
    ive been trying to find one.


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