Monday, October 12, 2009

Revisit the Horrors of Air Shorts

Do not turn away, LOOK AT THEM! See how they mock you!

Halloween Countdown Item

Ahhh sounds to make you Shiver, it worked well on me back in the day. I never lingered at people's houses who played spooky sounds. Anyone have this for the ipod?


  1. Well, the good thing about these shorts is that you're half-way through putting on the equipment for a game of football or ice hockey... :P

  2. Man, the weed in the 70's must have been awesome.

  3. What the...? Why are...? How do they...?

    What is the purpose of these abominations called "air shorts?"

    Looks like times were tough for Dirk Benedict till Battlestar Galactica came along.

  4. The air shorts were "supposed" to be for sweating in and losing weight. Brian had a different pic of these on here before. These things were just monumentally stupid!

  5. How are you supposed to have grody, chigger-infested 1970s lake sex with those on?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I have Sounds To Make You Shiver and I play it out the windows every Halloween (I've transferred it to CD). Want a copy?


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