Thursday, October 29, 2009

Funstuf Frankenstein

funstuf frankenstein

Funstuff produced several "Aniform" figures of characters like the Incredible Hulk and the Universal Monsters. This rare promotional sheet shows the original packaging which was later altered. Funstuf also released a Dracula but I don't have that piece
funstuf frankenstein Click on the images to see a larger view of the sell sheet.
funstuf frankenstein


  1. Wow, I've never seen this before--how cool!

  2. I have a pic of the Dracula figure posted on my "Dracula's Crypt of Collectibles" blog at - probably have a photo of it in my files somewhere out of the package too!

    It's probably the figure here:

  3. I have this figure, but he's missing his shirt. I've never seen it complete before - thanks!


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