Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Vest Suit of Defiance

It seems to be saying "I know what I'm wearing and I can take anything you dish out, just try me!"


  1. "...I can take anything you dish out, just try me!"

    How 'bout an ass-kicking, kid? That something you can 'take'?

    I'm pretty sure I would have gotten one if I had worn a suit like that back then. :)

  2. I'm 37 years old and for the life of me I can't remember any kid wearing an eye sore like that. Poor bastard, he can't even look at the camera.

  3. I'm 36 and don't remember any kid dressed up like that either. If he did, that would be the last I ever saw of the poor guy! lol

  4. Mr. Furley's (from Three's Company) nephew!

  5. I always wonder if the kids in these pictures remember the photo shoot. And if they cringe at these old pictures.

  6. The "vest suit"? Who in the blue hell came up with this atrocity, and what kid in their right mind would actually WEAR this atrocity?

  7. I'm 47 and I have no memory of anyone wearing one of these.


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