Thursday, September 10, 2009

Scenes from Toyfair 1976

If there is a toy company that I would like to have a catalog from, it'd be Shindana, they made some neat-o toys in the mid seventies and their president had the world's greatest sideburns.

A shot of the 1976 Azrak Hamway booth shows the two different sizes of Mr. Spock Bop Bags. It's funny to read an article where the person has no idea what Star Trek is...


  1. The Trekkies? Hah! For some reason that really cracks me up.

  2. "The Trekkies" was a failed pilot in the 70's that was recently re-made as a successful series on CBS, renamed "The Big Bang Theory". :)

  3. I've still got my OJ action figure tucked away somewhere. Not any of the accessories pictured in the box; they're long gone. And I think he's missing a sock, too...

  4. Filmfather,
    Yes, but do you have his missing leather glove????????

  5. Grrrr! I was going to make a "missing leather glove" joke, but I forgot! Well played, John.


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