Thursday, July 23, 2009

This Creep Bugging You Hot Stuff?

I got nothing...


  1. Is that a young Paul Reubens on the left there?

  2. Dancin' Homerf7/23/2009 7:03 AM

    Conjunction Junction finds a new function

  3. If Hal Ashby had directed a Disney film...

  4. c'mon! I can't have been the only one to have an engineer hat when I was that age!

    anecdote: I liked trains when I was a kid and was ecstatic when I found out my dad was an engineer. And was disappointed when I found out he was a civil engineer...

  5. Dear Lord that one kid is getting ready to take the last train to geeksville.

  6. I swear I had that same train engineer ensemble when I was eight.

    Oh, the shame.

  7. My plaid collar is SO much cooler than "your" outfit. Snark-snark...

  8. wow Timmy an his new train get up
    and Ritchie with his is that corduroy? Hmmm but Sam has a new Green Machine bye losers!


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