Monday, July 06, 2009

Going for the Gold

Perhaps it was the beer or that crazy disco beat but for some reason, Sam decided it was the perfect moment to grab himself a handful of Jim....


  1. Dancin' Homer7/06/2009 6:48 AM

    looking at this picture, the immediate reaction is "where does one start?". but you nailed it as usual.

    so much funny in this pic, not least of which is the cuffed pants and designer horoscope jeans!

  2. Almost fell of my chair I'm laughing so hard at this one!

  3. Um...I think she has crabs.

  4. I don't care what he is wearing. With those glasses, no guy is going to pick up anyone.

  5. I didn't realize the young Jeffrey Dahmer did any modeling!

  6. My God, it's like the Homecoming Dance all over again!

    Why did you make me remember?


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