Tuesday, April 07, 2009

The New Kids

"Gosh Jimmy, with that outfit you're going to make a great first impression at school today."


  1. The rest of their school day was NOT, however, filled with those same smiles.

    And an ER visit, for an anal bow-tie extraction, was how it ended. Sad.

  2. Dancin' Homer4/07/2009 9:17 AM

    A young Looney Skip Rooney

  3. Gads how I hated those bow ties!

  4. I wish I could have the plaid pants along with the plaid coat. Now that would be a match made in polyester heaven!

  5. Oh styles so sucked in that era. From platform shoes to polyester I hated it all.

  6. That bow tie is gonna be trouble if there's a strong breeze. Combined with those lapels the poor kid could wind up taking flight, and who knows where he would land.

  7. GeekKidsToday6/12/2010 8:41 PM

    Maybe the adult styles were bad then but the kids (when dressed casually) looked a lot cooler than the pansies of today.


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