Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Rocket Soaring Sales Builders

The Starroid Raiders look like the love child of Kenner Star Wars and Play Mobile figures, which totally rocks!
Look for more Retro Toy Fair Coverage all Day...


  1. I like that green guy--looks like an alien version of The Creature From The Black Lagoon.

    (The Creature From The Black Galaxy?)

  2. There are some action figures
    being sold right now at the
    online Cooper-Hewitt Museum
    gift shop that look like they're
    from the same planet.

    3 on this webpage
    3 more on this webpage

  3. I got these one year and loved them! Because they were knock-offs, no one I knew had them - they were like toys made just for me! Because they came in a bulk pack plain cardboard box from a catalog, I made up names and backgrounds for all of them. I still have them:



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