Thursday, January 01, 2009

Parachuting Penguins and Jiggly Frankensteins

Azrak Hamway Penquin parachute

More additions to our growing gallery of Rack toys, this is a nice carded example of a parachuting Penguin figure from Azrak Hamway. (Photo Courtesy of Bill Frost)

Check out the AHI Batman Gallery for previous entries.

On the Monster front, I've finally gotten my hands on a Frankenstein Jiggler from AHI, I really dig his bright blue boots.

Check out the AHI Monster Gallery for more.

Got some rack toys to share? Please send 'em on down!


  1. That parachuting Penguin is insanely awesome! Good gravy, why doesn't someone make things like that anymore?

  2. Happy New Year. Cheers!

  3. This Electric Boogaloo Frankenstein appears dressed for break dancing.... Happy New Years!

  4. Comics fans goof on The Penguin (myself included) but he clearly moved a lot of merchandise...he's second only to the Joker for sheer quantity.


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