Saturday, October 18, 2008


Imagineering was an Arizona based company that were known for make up kits, predominately around Halloween. One of the things the company is best known for were their inexpensive rack items such as Vampire fangs and fake blood. My parents were always pretty thrifty but they'd get downright outraged if I came home with any of that kind of stuff. To a parent, it's just crap, they just don't realise the inherent awesomeness that is fake scars and evil teeth.

The aptly named "Imaginary World" website has an enviable amount of Imagineering items and catalogs (which I'm real jealous of) check it out here or click the picture to be transported.

Warning: viewing that site may have you cruising Ebay, it did with me, please don't tell my parents...


  1. I recall my friend having the black out tooth. Even though none of had front teeth anyway (we were in first or second grade at the time), I thought it would be great to use this stuff. It would have been better used to wax cars with, except for the fact it's black. So thick and waxy! Bleech!

  2. I actually found a container of vintage Imagineering Creepy Skin a couple of months ago in a hidden room in my castle. Let me just say that unlike Vlad, it did not age well...


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