Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Nursery School Nightmares

In the 70's, the folks in the jumpsuit industry must have been rolling in it. There is something so weird about that red CB inspired pit crew looking jumpsuit, like the pockets are for Skoal or something .

What I was doing 32 years ago Department: I'm pretty jazzed about the first day of school for my kids and thought I'd share a ritual in my family. My mom would pose us against the wall of school every first day which seems weird now. The shirt I'm wearing appears to act as camoflague. This ends when we become teenagers, thankfully....

DVD Tuesday

Quite a doozy today, the long awaited release of Quark, the 1977 Science Fiction sitcom created by Buck Henry (Get Smart) and starring Richard Benjamin as Adam Quark, captain of a intergalactic Garbage vessel.

It may have only ran 9 episodes during the summer of '77 but Quark seemed to be the kind of show that you didn't forget when you saw it. I was one of those people, I have an episode on tape somewhere and it still holds up. I have to own this set, at $15.00, it's a no brainer.

Also available this week is the classic Peanuts special It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown, I plan on going nuts this Halloween so it's another one to add to the basket.

For Doctor Who fans, the 1977 Tom Baker Era story "The Invasion of Time" is now available on DVD. This six parter is about the Doctor fighting off invading hoardes of Sontaran Warriors as they try to gain control of his home planet of Gallifrey. Despite my love for 70's era Who stories, this isn't my favourite. The budget seems to be stretched waifer thin (the cavernous inside of the Tardis looks like an unused recreation center) plus this story is the departure of the wonderful Leela, so maybe I'm just bitter...


  1. poor kid, you look like you're facing a firing squad

  2. Quark!

    For years I thought I'd just dreamed that show. I loved it. It was Mork & Mindy/ Star Trek and Star Wars all rolled into one!

  3. I can imagine some Russian kid having a similar photo taken and later inventing the game Tetris.

  4. I LOVED that show!! I was trying to remember it's name and thought that I might have just imagined it - I was only 5 years old but I thought it was awesome. Thanks.

  5. You were so far away from the camera
    I love the green jumpsuit with bow, she gotta a lil tude to go with her outfit.


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