Sunday, July 27, 2008

Darth Vader Signs at B-Dalton

Darth Vader mall appearance

Jason sent in these awesome additions to the Superhero Mall Appearance Gallery. This was at the B Dalton's in the Maplewood Mall, in St. Paul, MN, November of 1977. This is pretty early for a Star Wars appearance.

Darth Vader mall appearance I love the Sign in the background and look at the crowd!
Darth Vader mall appearance

Jason proudly displays his signed Star Wars calendar and mentions he bragged to his friends that he shook Vader's hand and how strong his grip was.

You may recognize Jason's company Bif Bang Pow! nowadays, they make some of the coolest collector toys out there, including one license I've been waiting 27 years for, Flash Gordon. If you're at San Diego Comic Con this weekend, you might want to check out this incredible Exclusive Flash Gordon Figure.

Darth Vader mall appearance

Brian WANT!

Anyway, got a mall appearance shot you'd like to share? Send it in and I'll send you a set of Plaidstallions trading cards.


Due to recent events, I'm limiting comments to google account holders only. Sorry if you're a decent person affected by this but the spam has gotten weird.