Monday, June 30, 2008


No it's not a scene from Space:1999, it's an ad for Mojvae! Carpet. I never seem to discuss one of the most pinnacle things about the 70's, Shag carpeting. It's one of those things so associated with the era, I get happy when i see it. Coincedently, I fly into a murderous rage when i see berber.
In 1989, my parents moved into what had to be the greatest house ever, built in the early seventies, this house looked like the Brady's moved out a week ago. Avacado green kitchen and covered from top to bottom in every colour of shag in this ad. I wouldn't have changed a thing, my parents however, had me spend two weeks removing the stuff, wish I'd kept some of it but I kept finding gummy bears....


  1. I loved that stuff. I remember being able to pull little pieces of shag out of the carpet but now I realize that memory might be related to the ultra cheap carpet my parents bought.

    I was only a kid in the 70's but I still have nostalgia for the shag carpet covered floors of the old custom vans.

  2. My Brother had a VW Combi Van wall to wall carpeted in shag pile like this. . .late 70's early 80's. . . very Chic. . .the girls just couldn't say no . . .and that van was a rockin.

  3. It looks like a promo-shot of the new series "Swingtown".

    "This would make a great orgy room, babe".

    The show is so-so as far as content goes, but the costumes & sets are very plaidstallion.

  4. those two are going to have some very lint-y sex...

  5. I like the matching jumpsuits the man and woman are wearing while relaxing in their ultra-mod room.

    I love shag carpet, too; so much so that I had it installed in the first home I owned. Which we bought in 1990. A little behind the times much?

  6. I bet those space people had flying cars in their future...

  7. The house I grew up in had carpet very much like the Arroyo Gold variant, only darker and classier (i.e., the pattern wasn't visible). It hid the dirt produced by two kids/teens, a dog, and a cat or three very well.

    Now the same house is done in berber. What will we think of berber in 30 years, I wonder?

  8. Jinxie Beaverhausen6/17/2009 10:02 PM

    I had the blue carpet in my bedroom and my sisters and parents had the orange in theirs. I don't know how I got so gosh darn lucky.

    I remember back in the 70's laying on the shag carpet, watching TV. You can't do that on this damned tile! Too hard for the bones...


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