Wednesday, May 21, 2008

P.A.C.K Attack

big jim pack Big Jim's P.A.C.K has always been a grand obsession of mine although space issues forced me to part with much of my collection years ago. The carded outfits (like the SWAT set pictured here) are especially large and hard to display.
The Swamp Boat pictured here is difficult to find especially boxed, there is also a P.A.C.K version of the dune buggy that is extremely uncommon boxed.

big jim pack
For years I used to think of Double Trouble Jim and Zorak as kind of silly but now they're just about my favourites, funny how that works. The face changing effect is strange for Jim because the angry face looks like he's having a heart attack.

big jim pack
This illustration for Torpedo Fist's arm is a little weird, love that airbrushed elbow. The P.A.C.K carrying case has a little locker inside, where no doubt the boys discuss weekend plans before punching out for the day.
Links of Interest: 1976 Big Jim PACK Catalog


  1. Big Jim had a Bronco? Sweet.

    Seems like Jim was on steroids to only have two emotions: tough and Fierce Rage™

  2. I had a Zorak,and I remember thinking it was so cool that his cape was held on by a gold chain, instead of some lame scrap of fabric that you had to tie in a bow. It slipped on and off so easily, I used it on my other action figs whenever I felt they needed some cape action to step up their wardrobe.

    Zorak also had the amazing talent of isolating his green-ness to his face only. Neck down, he was still every girl's dream. Truly he was an evil genius.

  3. didn't one of those guys have stunner arrows?


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