Tuesday, May 13, 2008

More Bean Bag Righteousness

That is so cool that Robin is on the other side of the Batman chair, they're the Bert and Ernie of the Cape set.
Media Exposure Time: Tekzilla named PlaidStallions this week's Websites they can't get enough of. They did a really long piece on the site which you can see about 28 minutes into the show, thanks Tekzilla!


  1. Nice that Robin got a chance to fly solo, but I bet he never saw the light of day

  2. Ha! You're right! I'll bet everyone always had Batman turned to the front.

    I also liked that they had youth and adult sizes. Was there really such a call for adult-sized Raggedy Ann & Andy bean bag chairs?

  3. Based on the character poses, you'd want to be very careful how you sat on Superman and Mickey Mouse.

  4. i just watched the tekzilla spot - congrats! they did a great job, and showed all the classic shots - although they showed more lingerie and underwear shots than I care to see. ick.


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