Friday, May 02, 2008

Kenner Alien Catalog

kenner alien catalog

It's hard to imagine with all the decapitated looking McFarlane monstrosities currently at Toys R Us but it was downright crazy of Kenner to make toys based on the R Rated Ridely Scott film "Alien'.

It's obvious that Kenner, high off the fumes from the model glue that is the Star Wars franchise decided to not let any other Fox Science Fiction film escape their clutches. The results were vaired, Alien toys weren't appreciated and sold poorly but now they are coveted secondary market pieces.

Check out the Kenner Toys Alien Merchandise


  1. I loved the giant Alien figure.. Too bad they didn't make the rest of the line they had planned, but hey, toys based on an "R" rated film, pretty progressive back then.

  2. That big honking Alien used to scare the crap out of me when I was a kid, that movie still freaks me out!


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