Saturday, March 15, 2008

Top Selling Toys for 1974

top selling toys for 1974

I love little things like this article about the hottest selling toys of 1974. As you can see Evel Knievel is getting killed by play-doh and Barbie! #8 is still my favourite, oh Crazy Foam, how I miss thee....


  1. I love that Play-Doh and Silly Putty were in the top five best sellers. Toys sure were a lot simpler when I was ten years old. :o)

  2. This list is from four years before I was born...

    GO BARBIE!!! (As the resident doll collector, I was obligated to post that)

    I never played with "real" Play-Doh as a kid. My mom made it for me instead. I can still smell it cooking! Wish I had some right now.

  3. Wow,who's got the crazy foam?I did gallons of that one!


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