Friday, February 15, 2008

1975 Lili Ledy Catalog from Mexico

click here to see the 1975 Lili Ledy catalog

Lili Ledy was Mexico's premiere toy manufacturer and because of trade restrictions, all toys they sold had to be manufactured in Mexico. So many of the popular US lines were licensed and then produced by Lili Ledy resulting in wonderful variations that toy collectors hunt for to this day.

Alot of favourites like the Mego Superheroes, G.I. Joe and Kenner TTP are included along with some interesting Mexican market items. Check out the 1975 Lili Ledy Catalog.

Reminder: Plaidstallions Retro Toyfair begins this Sunday with coverage from 1974. Find out what your favourite toy companies were up to.


  1. Oh, man. Mexican Smash-up Derby cars.


  2. The variation on Robin's costume almost predicted more recent costume changes in the character..

    I like the "stone age" Big Wheel and specifically Mexican Sesame Street characters.


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