Monday, February 25, 2008

Don and Juan

Both of these gentlemen have not been seen since the 1979 Comiskey Park "Disco Sucks" ralley.


  1. partners in karate, partners in life.

  2. the more of these things you post, the more apparant it becomes that being attractive was not a pre-requisite to having a modelling career in the '70s.

  3. I'm just waiting for the porn music to start. Bom-chika-wow-wow!! :)

    Is it just me, or does the guy on the left look like Mego's Action Jackson?

  4. what the hell...those green high-waisted pants...that guy reminds me of this religious whacko who tried to date my mom when I was like 7...this was back in 85 or wow he was out of style.

  5. That is a scary, scary pair of pants...

  6. I met the guy on the right at Salsa class a few months ago..he was looking at my breasts and stepping on my feet.


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