Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Do you want to be Gage or Desoto?

With all the nonsensical toys running about like Hulk Utility belts, it's nice to see logical roll play items like this Emergency set. Although I doubt the guys from Rampart wore pictures of themselves on their helmets. That's a weird thing that would always bother me as a kid.....


  1. Loved that show, my friend and I would pretend to be Johnny and Roy all the time.

    I didn't have this set, but I did have the S.W.A.T. bullhorn, which didn't have the gang's picture on it, but instead had a big sticker that said "S.W.A.T. - As filmed at 20th Century Fox Studios".

  2. I remember the S.W.A.T. bullhorn, I think it was made from the same mold as this one. There was also a S.W.A.T. clicker rifle to go with it.

    The bad news was, it was actually just a megaphone, not a battery operated "real" bullhorn. Probably good news for parents, though. :)

  3. loved emergency, there was a crossover with adam 12 wasn't there? the detour interview was great, thanks for the heads up on the aquaman shrine, bookmarked!!!!


  4. somewhere i have pictures of myself and my sister wearing that helmet

  5. LOL, for less than 4 bucks you got all that? I just bought the helmet on Ebay for my husband...his mom wouldn't let him have one as a kid. Now I suspect it wasnt the helmet, but the bullhorn she had an issue with.

  6. I remember having a set like this but it included an air tank that you wore on your back, and a face mask connected by a hose.

  7. Rampart was the hospital. The firemen and paramedics were Station 51. It would be pretty weird if the doctors were wearing fire helmets!


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