Thursday, October 18, 2007

Play Do Monsters Need Haircuts

I love this monster version of the playdo fuzzy pumper barber shop even though it doesn't make a lot of sense. Dig the perm on the skeleton.

Charlie sent in these great pics of the Count Creepyhead playset, something I've never actually seen before.


  1. Check out "Count Badhairday" in the chair...
    "Blah, I told you a little off the top, blah!"

  2. "Hey kids! Create your favourite monsters, then make their heads explode!"

    This could have been the precursor to a "Scanners" playset. :)

  3. Play Doh Fun Factory-esque stuff was really a lot of tactile fun. It didn't matter that you couldn't actually make something cool-looking like you could out of modeling clay, but it was really fun to squish.

    And the smell when you opened up that can...

  4. I need both of these toys.


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