Monday, June 25, 2007

1982 week begins with G.I. Joe

I wanted to write a big long preface to this week but it was nice outside yesterday and I forgot about it. To be brief, 1982 represented the time when I stopped playing with toys, I drifted aimlessly until I started collecting them three years later.

One of the last toylines I picked up was the first wave of G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero. The adventure team was such a big influence on me, I didn't care if I ran into a school pal while buying these at Woolco (OK I looked over my shoulder). When I got them home, I basically just posed them and they sat on a shelf. I'm not sure if it was the last gasp of childhood or the early beginnings of a collector.

Seeing what the first issue RAH figures go for, the collector in me wishes I'd kept these.


  1. Same with me, man. I bought a few of those, and that was it for a few years.

    (Okay, wait -- I *did* get some Japanese giant robot stuff in the interim, but that was really the start of my collecting)

    Snake Eyes, I remember in particular, being pretty damn cool.

  2. Same with me but I quit right before the New GI joe came didn't pick any up... I did get the comic though

  3. Ahhh, good ol' Consumers Distrubuting, where I picked up many Transformers and Go-Bots. They always brought out the wrong one or were out of stock of the one you wanted. Wish I could go back and shop there again. You just didn't know what you were going to end up with..


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