Monday, April 16, 2007

Don't let your wife pack for you

stop staring

I've never been to a grown man slumber party but if I am, I certainly hope i'm not wearing a summer dress


  1. oh no, oh no no no no no...

  2. The guy in the middle is clearly pissed that he got the dress.

  3. "Its' a NIGHT SHIRT, not a dress!"

    "Whatever you say sweetheart..."


  4. Oh man. I mean...Oh man. Like I guess it's cool to just pull your shirt (IT'S A DRESS) up in the middle of the night to pee, but...oh man. And brown, tan and powder blue? It just makes me think of someone dumping baby powder in my hot chocolate...

  5. This is clearly a photoshop job. I refuse to believe this is real… I’m gonna go to my happy place now.


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