Friday, March 09, 2007

It came from Charlie's basement

marvel superheroes viewmasters

One of the highlights of a recent trip to Chicago was being able to rummage through my friend Charlie's basement and look at his collection. It was almost a museum to growing up in the 70's, I thought I'd share random images of some of my favourite items. Expect a part two to this some time in the future.

kenner star wars store display

I don't even collect Star Wars but I couldn't take my eyes off this vintage store display.

kenner star wars store display

Loaded with Bronze age Marvels, not to mention multi packs.

kenner star wars store display

Sigh, the one thing I could never seem to own, Stretch Monster.

kenner star wars store display

Mattel Krusher MIB, I've never really looked at one before, just love it!

kenner star wars store display

Finally something for my mantle....


  1. That Man Thing comic in the rack was one of my first comics, I still have it (not in that shape) and the Star Wars display is great, I loved that time period the packaging artwork was just awesome.

  2. wow! where does one find a mint condition Star Wars display box??

    no, really. where can you find one?

  3. Simply awesome. Words cannot truely describe...


  4. That stuff is really cool. I love the View-Masters and the Star Wars display. I still have those Hulk comics.

  5. Great stuff, Bronze Age Comics still on the rack!

  6. Frickin' RAD. I'm totally jealous!

  7. Here is a detailed post on the awesome Krusher with some great pics.

    I did borrow a couple of your pics and put a link to your site.



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